Miro Boards

The integration diagrams presented here illustrate the fundamental happy path for our API services, offering a streamlined overview of key API operations. While full-scale custom integrations may entail greater complexity than depicted in these diagrams, the core flows depicted herein serve as an excellent starting point and foundation for further development.

Note: Some of the endpoints are only available in specific regions due to different legislation and common practise.

Order Placement

Order creation, approval and fulfilment flow. As well as showing key state changes and the required verification journey for buyers.

Trade Account Onboarding

Covers the registration of a company with a recognised organization number, and the verification path for onboarding and verifying an individual trade account user.

Business Registration

Covers the proposal creation, submission and verification flow for creating an accepted sole trader to use with the Two service.


Covers the creation of a repay account and plan and how to credit check and preview proposed repay/instalment plans.

Order Handling & Reconciliation

Covers basic order operations and the associated state changes they lead as well as any communications (emails) that Two sends out in response to certain order operations.