Onfido verification
Onfido Verification is a tech-driven identity verification platform. It employs advanced document analysis and facial recognition for secure user verification. With support for various identity documents, it ensures authenticity and prevents fraud.
Two makes use of Onfido as an elevated verification method in certain cases. For developers integration with our service that encounter Onfido verification in testing, you may be blocked at the document upload stage.
This page provides you example mock legal documents that you can upload when testing onfido verification in sandbox to help you with your testing needs.
Make use of the linked document image examples to download them for use for when you need to provide an Onfido document upload.
Driving licence
Driving licence frontDriving licence back
PassportResidence permit
Residence permit frontResidence permit back
Onfido document upload UI
You can expect to see the following UI when selecting your legal document for completing your verification. Clicking into one of the document options will then allow you to upload the relevant documents, where you can make use of the image resources provided above.