Two Order States

This guide page covers the basics of creating orders with Two when it comes to understanding our state and status types.

Order placement

When you place an order, we first check the buyer’s credit status to ensure everything is in order. However, this status may change during order verification if we notice any potential signs of fraud. Here's what the different statuses mean:

  • APPROVED: Your order has been approved without any issues.
  • REJECTED: There may be a problem with your credit or a suspicion of fraud.

Depending on the initial status, your order can progress through certain transition states.

Order states

The following table from top to bottom list the standard state progression for a typical order journey that a merchant may encounter: as part of their order

  • Succesful order placement with credit approval
  • Buyer verifies their order
  • Merchant confirms order
  • Merchant fulfils order
  • Merchant issues refund for buyer

Primary order states

UNVERIFIEDState of order once it has been created but before ID verification of the buyer has been completed. Initial state of order once it has been created.
VERIFIEDAn order where ID verification of the buyer has been completed. Verification of buyer completed.
CONFIRMEDFor orders that go through verification flow, this state occurs when the buyer sees the confirmation page. Optional Step.
FULFILLINGBoth VERIFIED and CONFIRMED states can transition to this state. Used to discover orders where something has gone wrong between Two and the funding provider. Marking an order as fulfilled triggers this pre-fulfilment state.
FULFILLEDWhen the order is complete and the merchant wants to start the payment window for their buyer. At this point, an invoice is issued by Two and a payout is scheduled.
REFUNDEDAn order that has been fulfilled is partially or fully reversed (i.e., refunded), so the buyer no longer owes the full amount.

Optional order states

CONFIRMEDFor orders that go through the verification flow, this state occurs when the buyer sees the confirmation page. Optional Step.
CANCELLEDFor orders that you do not intend to fulfil but want to cancel. UNVERIFIED orders will automatically be cancelled after 48 hours.

Miro diagram